Monday, March 8, 2010

Heavy Rain - Press and hold (▲) for... MURDER!

My greatest fear when choosing to play this game was that the whole thing was going to be a long QTE (Quick Time Event). I can gladly say after many hours... that this game is in fact only 50% QTE's. The other 50% is spent awkwardly walking around.

Over the course of the game you find yourself controlling the choices of 4 individuals: Madison the photographer, Ethan the father, Jayden the FBI agent, and Scott the Private-Eye detective. The story revolves around the Origami Killer and the murders that transpire.
 Scott, Madison, Ethan, and Jayden. You get to see 2 of them naked... O_o
I played through about twice and found it to be very well constructed. The voice acting is top-of-the-line and the level design and art direction is not unlike a A+ Hollywood movie. I mean you can eat and use the restroom in EVERY house! What a concept!! I was disappointed when I didn't get a trophy for doing so though.

I found my share of plot holes and glitches (naked Madison glitch anyone?), but nothing that prevented me from rebooting and continuing to be dazzled. The developers called this game an "Interactive Drama". I find this interesting in the fact that the title admits a certain amount of un-interactiveness. This must be why this phrase is missing from the marketing for this game. On the topic of marketing, I'm also wondering why this didn't release this as an "Adult Only" title. Doing so would have really helped help push the genre forward and given it some flexibility to show just a little more gore (I'm not asking for arterial spray or anything. But when a limb is severed, is it too much to ask to SEE it?? Plus we could have gotten full frontal nudity!). But I can understand that doing so would alienate a large population of potential buyers such as teens and children. Btw if you buy this game for a child, there's something wrong with you. Titles aside though, this was a great game full of twists and turns and continues to have a lot of replay value, especially considering the forthcoming DLC ("The Taxidermist") and excellent narrative structure they have in place.
Buy the game or the puppy gets it!!  

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