Friday, August 29, 2008

Is this Evolution or Divine Providence?

Well, I fell off my high horse and landed here in the endless array of digital prose. Perhaps my words will ignite the minds of millions, doubtful. Although this therapeutic intro/extro-spection couldn't hurt.

Introspection: As a recent graduate of Computer Science and a lover of games, I want to make them. Will I be good at it? Who knows! But I know the best way to get there will be to jump in and just do it. Thus this dialogue will serve as a means of chronicling my progress and thoughts.

Extrospection: The Game Industry is one of the fastest growing markets which now eclipses the Movie Industry in sales. This route is one of cutting edge technology and limitless creative input/output.

With this post I begin my quest, I make no promises of length, as this is my 1st blog, 1st post, and 1st online commitment besides checking my email every 10 minutes.

Ambigrams are swell.